Friday, October 14, 2011

...and so it begins

I had no idea what I started with the zombie/ dragon challenge.
 Or that a unit on mythology would open the challenge flood gates.

In Art Appreciation this week, we began a unit on Greek Mythology this week. Students developed their own mythological creatures, create sculptures of them, and will write a short story. 
In these stories, students will play the hero role, and their creatures will be their opponents. Somehow, I have become a popular character in some of these stories. 
Some students are actually creating mini me's to put on their mythical creature sculptures. 

We've just started, but I'm hearing some great ideas. Here is a "gift" students left for me on my demo table:

That is supposed to be me (made out of a kneaded eraser) riding the armature for one of my demo creatures. 
I can't wait to see what the final sculptures are going to look like.
Thanks guys, for your humor and creativity. 
You make teaching fun!

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